Some of us who remonstrate at the use of mobile/cell phones may at heart be of the Renaissance period or, more attuned to the currency of mobile communications. However the renaissance period is not classically aligned with this months image above. Both are dichotomies, or at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Thus it is with modern life.
Having being involved in communication and technologies for many years I regularly bought the latest mobile (cell) phone. In fact, I was one of the uptakers of the second models of mobile phones ever invented. It was the 80s and I owned a 'brick'. Still have it, and it still works and does what it was designed to do.
That is, it rings like a normal phone sounding 'ring ring' and it is answered the same way that is, 'Hello?'
Quickly the design of mobile/cell phones became smaller, faster and with more facilities and every few years I upgraded.
I tend to be a futurist and on the topic of cell/mobile phones I see the future being of more simplicity further practicality and far less of the extra features that add to the extra cost. The future of communication technologies is not more, bigger, brighter. The future is simplicity in communications.
I find there is no need for me to play games, use the calculator, the diary, the calendar and check the news, weather or football scores on my phone, I can use my laptop or television for this.
Why do things on a phone that cost a fortune, have expensive downloads, the keys or screen icons are small, and if one wants to easily view articles in a similar size to books or the home computer, one has to purchase an e-pad or something similar and carry this lump of technology around in a bag much larger than the pockets of our jeans. I say, the perfect phone size is one that fits easily in our jeans front pocket. Perfect.
All I want to do is to talk on my phone. The fancy stuff is a waste of my time.
I spend between 2 to 5 hours a day on my laptop on my desk with my Dell Studio 17 inch with zillions of pixel resolution, huge memory, multi drives, fab operating system, a machine I have had since 2009. It still runs extremely fast whilst being remarkably reliable.
Why the heck do I need a mobile/cell phone to do all these wonderful things that a simple 'ring ring...hello' mobile phone does.
While out and about I do not need to spend an enormous amount of time while having my eyes and mind narrowly focused on a 5 x 3 inch screen. I can do that at home and not miss out on so much more to observe in our wonderful world.
In short, all I need is a plain and simple bloody phone!
I have rebelled! Done, finished, over! My current Nokia E71 is still good, but getting faults and is a bit tired.
Know what I am going to do?
I am going to dig out my old Samsung flip or 'shell' phone as it has the most wonderful basic functions I will ever need. It goes 'ring ring' and then I say 'hello'.
Why does life seem to be so darned complex!
My collection of old phones are brilliant. The all still go 'ring ring'...'Hello?'
What can be more simple!
Viva Simplicity!
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