This week is a short and light contemplation on Fire.
The following three weeks will be focused on Earth, Wind and
As well as discussing the importance of the four elements equally we are able to use them to help shape our personal philosophy for guidance and behaviour.
As well as discussing the importance of the four elements equally we are able to use them to help shape our personal philosophy for guidance and behaviour.
As I have been saying over these past few months, all things in
the universe originate from one source. Thus, all things in the universe
are linked to everything else as are the four elements.
When we think of fire we may think about volcanoes, wildfires,
barbecues, house fires, firework celebrations, lava, cigars, prehistoric mans’ discovery
of fire and even, camping. Many things and associations come to light.
(no pun intended).
Our sphere, the rock third from the sun, Planet Earth, could not
and would not be alive without fire. Without the sun, the earth and all living things we would not exist in our current form.
Magma at the core of our earth is molten earth consisting of rock,
semi-melted rock, chemicals and solids. No
matter how scientifically fantastic it is, I find it difficult to imagine rocks
melting, but they do. Molten rock in the
core of the Earth is called magma. After it has emerged or flowed from a volcano
it is called lava. Same thing but different names in different circumstances.
Lava may emerge on the surface of the earth or undersea though
volcanic vents and flows as liquid rock while solidifying. It is a cycle, from solid rock to molten rock to solid rock again. Life for everything is circular, we come and go, are born and die and are born again. Thus it is with the cycle of life, rocks and lava. Over millions of years soil on the surface sinks, becomes rock then magma and over time it re-emerges as lava and then solidifies into rock again.
Lava flows down through mountains and forests, across fields and towns whilst the liquid carpet destroys or buries everything in its path.
(I find this photo (#) of a lava flow at Pahoehoe in Hawaii particularly interesting. I can see the movement and the dark streaks remind me of human veins and skin. It looks alive. Awesomely beautiful.)
Because so much molten rock is spewed from a volcano and
the lava can flow long distances, hills and mountains may change shape,
rivers disappear and new ones appear and coastlines and the seabed can change
shape, grow and move. Fire is an element that constantly changes the shape of our earth.
Lava soil is very rich in nutrients that
are excellent for growing crops. Thus,
although the erupting volcano and lava has created much damage both human and
geological, they have a very important role in the form and shaping of our planet. I ask the question, what would Planet Earth be like without historic or current day volcanic eruptions?
It is common to use fire in language such as; 'he is a hot head', 'firebrand', 'it is hot as hades', ‘he/she is hot', ‘it is hot' (stolen) etc. However, the language of fire and heat can
also be transposed to our moods and our behaviour.
If we are in a rage, feeling heated about things, furious as hell
or, often when upset our skin may turn red etc., all these feelings inside may be
related to heat and fire.
When we lose our temper and verbally explode ejaculating unexpected and offensive language in a rage of a
temper lost, is it better to vent our feelings so others know we feel, or keep it
Perhaps more can be achieved by expressing ourselves calmly and rationally however that is sometimes not so easy to do.
If we are feeling angry and the body feels hot, we are able to
turn our mind to calmness by thinking of cool things such as being as
calm as ice on a frozen pond, the stream meandering along in a shaded glen or the
trees quietly wafting on the breeze.
Alternatively, if we are losing control of our anger, and are upset and becoming hot under the collar it can ease our minds by feeling the metaphorical cool ice soothing our neck or the breeze brushing our
skin. By concentrating on things that are cool can take the heat out of the situation.
Whether it be volcanic eruptions, or a human rage, after a while, the eruption and rage dissipates. Eruption and rage always ends and life continues on. We all learn lessons from eruptions of any kind and those lessons generally provide us with a better understanding of
our planet and people. Following, we are better able to manage the situation
next time.
As I say, life is a cycle, born die and be born again, the same is with volcanoes and us, we erupt calm down and learn. Moral of the story? Calm down, chill out.
Folks, a very dear friend, also a philosopher, has contributed additional thoughts which takes the above idea further forward. Although the path can be painful, it also leads to enlightenment and a beautiful renewed life conclusion. You will enjoy her thoughts and words.
"There is another physical and emotional connection I find obvious and fascinating- what you describe here is also clearly a life cycle of a relationship...melted rock- magma- lava- hardened rock...at the end - changes: scars inside and out...icy cold rocks- and a new rebirth-spring crocus or a prickly cactus emerge out of a hardened lava...both are planted solid to stay until the earth moves again and rocks melt".
© Anonymous Fellow Philosopher - April 2014.
As I say, life is a cycle, born die and be born again, the same is with volcanoes and us, we erupt calm down and learn. Moral of the story? Calm down, chill out.
Folks, a very dear friend, also a philosopher, has contributed additional thoughts which takes the above idea further forward. Although the path can be painful, it also leads to enlightenment and a beautiful renewed life conclusion. You will enjoy her thoughts and words.
"There is another physical and emotional connection I find obvious and fascinating- what you describe here is also clearly a life cycle of a relationship...melted rock- magma- lava- hardened rock...at the end - changes: scars inside and out...icy cold rocks- and a new rebirth-spring crocus or a prickly cactus emerge out of a hardened lava...both are planted solid to stay until the earth moves again and rocks melt".
© Anonymous Fellow Philosopher - April 2014.
# Photo obtained from Wikipedia (2013) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magma (Viewed 2nd December 2014)
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