Many of you know that my personal ethos is 'When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change'. Thus, I know there are many who also believe and practice this paradigm.
Western Sunrise takes this idea further and demonstrates that there is always another valid perspective.
We accept and have observed the sun rising in the East and setting in the West.
Looking at this from a scientific perspective, the sun does not actually rise in the East. Rather, planet Earth rotates towards the East giving the effect of the sun rising from the eastern horizon. We all know this.
I assume the placement of north, south, east and west cardinal points on the compass is because thousands of years ago as the first map was conceived, the mapmaker had his paper, cloth, wood or soil in front on him and decided to place the areas he knew according to the placement of his blank map. So, the concept of 'up' and 'down' or 'over there' - (left) or 'over there' - (right) in the mapmakers mind were transferred to the flat plane of paper, cloth, stone or soil.
The invention of mapping with meridians of latitude and longitude and a compass with cardinal points were needed for land and water navigation to enable safe travel and to map the location of new discoveries.
We all know planet Earth is not at the centre of the universe, in fact as I understand it, we are further towards the edge, if indeed, the universe has an edge at all.
In space, the vacuum that is the universe, there is no such thing as up, down or sideways. So, viewing Earth from space, where is the East? Planet Earth is a sphere, an orb and therefore only has one side, if the external of an orb is considered a side at all.
So, does the sun rise in the East or the West?
If we are on a space station or the moon, where are the compass cardinal points of north, south, east and west? In space, do the cardinal points of the compass exist to reflect a particular position in space?
If a space station is in geo-stationary orbit over (opposite) the Equator, certainly the sun appears from the right hand side, or eastern side of our planet. But what if the space station is geo-stationary orbiting directly over the North or South Poles? In this case, it may be a reasonable assumption that the sun appears to make a clockwise journey around Earth. However, in truth, the Sun is stationary. The sun does not revolve around planet Earth. The sun does not rise in the East nor set in the West. The sun is stationary. It is planet Earth's axis rotation that we 'see' the sunrise and sunset.
A matter of language perhaps. The reality is that instead of the sun rising and setting on our planet, rather, areas of planet Earth are coming into and out of the shadow of the Sun. Then, instead we could say we are at shadup or shadown because there is no such thing as sun up and sun down because, the sun is stationary.
It is a combination of language and human understanding that continues since the beginning of mankind to this day that 'the sun rises in the East and sets in the West'. Science has taught us that this statement is incorrect yet we continue to use the terms 'sun up' and 'sun down' because it best fits our understanding of the world. But what about other things, do we blindly accept without thinking or challenging what we are told about our world?
Looking at things from a different angle not only alters our perspective but also challenges our understanding and mindset. In turn, this aids our intellectual growth.
Many of us sometimes accept the given, and believe what we are told without question.
There are times we readily accept news items in print and digital media as being factual and true events being reported without bais and misrepresentation. This is the aim of honest journalism.
Thus, often news reports and media show pictures and footage of citizens, people in the streets with their sticks, Molotov cocktails (bottle bombs) whilst wearing masks, bike helmets and thick clothing demonstrating or causing harm to personal and public property and, attacking government police or militia.
Do we really know what is going on or do we just 'tut tut' and think these people are simply malicious trouble-makers rising up in protest against their government for the fun of it. Are they trouble-makers, religious fanatics or zealots after the freedom of democracy? Perhaps we see them as down-trodden citizens attempting to overthrow a despotic corrupt government?
It unwise to accept the given without understanding and examination of the facts. Look at things from a different perspective. Attempt to see things differently.
Does the sun rise in the West? Well, it all depends on your viewpoint.
We have seen much footage of war, aggression, and crimes against humanity, but how do we recognise the truth? Journalists report news as factual issues however in the limited time and editorial space we as readers or observers are not always able to grasp, understand or fully comprehend the implications of the action or events reported. For many years I have been trying to truly understand the Israeli / Palestine situation yet only now, I am finally beginning to understand.
The situation is complex, began at least a thousand years ago and involves arguments over home, territory and power. It is a shame that basic human needs of home, family, faith and love is faced by the bloodiness of religion.
Humans can experience the need of a compass for moral, ethical, physical and mental health issues to find comfort, safety and security. Some use the compass and direction of a god, belief, faith or philosophy. Wherever that compass is found is at the sole discretion of the individual.
All humans have independant thought. It is sheer folly to enlist, entreat, or force others to follow our personal beliefs, faiths or philosophies as everyone likes to find their own way. By bringing others 'to the fold' is to treat them like sheep and put them in a pen. No one likes to be caged.
As civilisation progresses so does education and intellectual ability. Research has shown that as each century passes, human beings are becoming more intelligent than those of previous centuries. Therefore, we are all able to develop our own path/s either with or without belief or faith and do not necessarily need religion to lead morally healthy and productive lives.
It is my opinion for humanity to peacefully survive, humans need four things:
- Recognise and accept inherent love and kindness
- Develop an ability to see things differently
- Continue intellectual growth
- Know there is a compass available when needed.
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