Follow Your Stream reflects the perspective that our life has a dome with many rivers of silver flowing to the pinnacle. The myriad capillaries, veins, streams or rivers of silver are your life journey streaming to a bright and beautiful future. Use the steam of silver to guide and lift your life.
The more complex your life and choices and paths followed, the more silver streams can be seen. The silver streams can be straight, narrow, thin, wide, never ending or like tendrils of a grape vine.
You have entered, and are alone in a large marble building with a magnificent dome. It is comfortably cool after the heat outside. The interior being the floor, walls and dome are shining opalescence marble. A small virginal white silk pillow is placed in the middle of the floor.
Laying down, facing upwards you feel the weight of your head sink deeply into the pillow.
Close your eyes.
Your body is completely relaxed.
Underneath, feel the coolness of the marble under your legs, hands, arms and torso.
It is so peaceful and quiet that once the sound of blood pulsing through your head has disappeared, the sound of quietness is heard, and it is almost palpable.
Comfortable and relaxed, the mind empty, not conscious of any thought.
Feeling nothing physical, you feel yourself drifting, floating.
You feel an impulse to open your eyes.
It is as a dream. You move a finger, you are awake. You are not only awake but you are experiencing a true awakening. An awakening you have never felt before.
The sight of the white opalescence walls and dome is the same. However you slowly become aware of tiny silver streams and rivulets flowing across the floor and up the cool walls to the domed pinnacle.
The streams appear as tiny capillaries and veins, but instead they are of shining liquid silver.
To find the silvery source, your eyes follow the rivulets down the walls and across the floor. The beautiful silvery fluid streams emanate from yourself.
You see and feel the silver capillaries and veins flowing from your source as they slowly, gently ease their way across the floor towards the walls. The silver steams are indeed sourced from your being. The silver streams are yours and only you are allowing them to flow.
The silver, looks solid, but dense, thick but light, imagined but real. At your heart there is one single flowing silver stream but leading to the dome, there are many. It is your life, commencing with one stream which leads to a multitude of others. Upon reaching the dome, all the streams meet at the pinnacle as one shining glowing silver sun. The pinnacle is radiant, it is dazzling.
Your conscious thought reflects and realises that the silver stream sourced and coming from you is the beginning of your life. As the streams flow and divide into ever increasing veins, capillaries and tendrils of silver, they represent your journey through life.
Then you realise, these silvered steams flowing upwards, ever flowing, never endingly proceeding to the pinnacle, they are not only your past and current life, they are also your destiny. Thus, as each path taken in life, regardless of the stones or pebbles in the way, the rivers still proceed their pre-determined way. Regardless of decisions made and opportunities chosen, you end up exactly where you are supposed to be. At the pinnacle.
Feeling the silver throbbing in your heart, soaking and saturating your soul, you find clarity that everything you ever imagined is possible.
With kindness, compassion, love and honesty, no matter where, why or what you do, your life is a continual silver stream that must be followed in order to reach the pinnacle of your life. The silver streams are forever and everlasting.
Take advantage of this gift and allow the shining glowing silvered dome of your life to shine everlastingly upon you.
The more complex your life and choices and paths followed, the more silver streams can be seen. The silver streams can be straight, narrow, thin, wide, never ending or like tendrils of a grape vine.
You have entered, and are alone in a large marble building with a magnificent dome. It is comfortably cool after the heat outside. The interior being the floor, walls and dome are shining opalescence marble. A small virginal white silk pillow is placed in the middle of the floor.
Laying down, facing upwards you feel the weight of your head sink deeply into the pillow.
Close your eyes.
Your body is completely relaxed.
Underneath, feel the coolness of the marble under your legs, hands, arms and torso.
It is so peaceful and quiet that once the sound of blood pulsing through your head has disappeared, the sound of quietness is heard, and it is almost palpable.
Comfortable and relaxed, the mind empty, not conscious of any thought.
Feeling nothing physical, you feel yourself drifting, floating.
You feel an impulse to open your eyes.
It is as a dream. You move a finger, you are awake. You are not only awake but you are experiencing a true awakening. An awakening you have never felt before.
The sight of the white opalescence walls and dome is the same. However you slowly become aware of tiny silver streams and rivulets flowing across the floor and up the cool walls to the domed pinnacle.
The streams appear as tiny capillaries and veins, but instead they are of shining liquid silver.
To find the silvery source, your eyes follow the rivulets down the walls and across the floor. The beautiful silvery fluid streams emanate from yourself.
You see and feel the silver capillaries and veins flowing from your source as they slowly, gently ease their way across the floor towards the walls. The silver steams are indeed sourced from your being. The silver streams are yours and only you are allowing them to flow.
The silver, looks solid, but dense, thick but light, imagined but real. At your heart there is one single flowing silver stream but leading to the dome, there are many. It is your life, commencing with one stream which leads to a multitude of others. Upon reaching the dome, all the streams meet at the pinnacle as one shining glowing silver sun. The pinnacle is radiant, it is dazzling.
Your conscious thought reflects and realises that the silver stream sourced and coming from you is the beginning of your life. As the streams flow and divide into ever increasing veins, capillaries and tendrils of silver, they represent your journey through life.
Then you realise, these silvered steams flowing upwards, ever flowing, never endingly proceeding to the pinnacle, they are not only your past and current life, they are also your destiny. Thus, as each path taken in life, regardless of the stones or pebbles in the way, the rivers still proceed their pre-determined way. Regardless of decisions made and opportunities chosen, you end up exactly where you are supposed to be. At the pinnacle.
Feeling the silver throbbing in your heart, soaking and saturating your soul, you find clarity that everything you ever imagined is possible.
Then comes further clarity. The various silver shimmering streams can be how you want your life to be. You see the shimmer of professional success, streams to personal comfort and love. You see your life flowing to a very old age with excellent health. Most of all, you see much love of wisdom.
The dome, the walls reach to the pinnacle of light. In your mind, written in the streams and rivulets on the walls leading upwards, is the information and the steps you need to reach the pinnacle that you want in your life. All has been revealed to you with succinct clear beautiful streams of silver.
Take advantage of this gift and allow the shining glowing silvered dome of your life to shine everlastingly upon you.
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