The end of the year and the holiday season has passed and with new year and the change of weather this is the time we have leaned back in our chairs, glass of brandy in hand and considered the past year's events and achievements. Following, our planning is in hand for this year as well.
During this first week of January, our planning is in hand. We have thought about giving up smoking or imbibing other toxins. We have thought how we should be eating more healthy foods, getting more exercise, spending more time with those we love, not being late for appointments, enjoying nature more and mine is, eating less ice-cream.
We may have expressed our resolutions or ideas by using wording such as: 'I want to...', 'I'll try to...', 'I'll just...', 'I'd love to...' or 'I want ...'etc. However, using these expressions are not resolutions as such, they are either a 'want' or 'wish' list. These words are not even a 'do' list and more importantly, they do not particularly lead us on the path of achievement or self improvement and, they do not speak of belief of committment.
The things we want for ourselves during 2014 have more chance of happening if we couch our wants and needs in a more positive framework. For example, there is a greater chance of success if our wants and needs are phrased: 'I am', 'I am going to...', 'I will...', 'I know...', 'I am going to love doing...' or, 'I am going to get...' etc. This type of language is much more positive and heralds a greater chance of success.
If we couch the words with the mindset of commitment and see them as already happening, there is far more likelihood of not only maintaining what we want, but can result in some wonderful achievements.
The things we want for ourselves during 2014 have more chance of happening if we couch our wants and needs in a more positive framework. For example, there is a greater chance of success if our wants and needs are phrased: 'I am', 'I am going to...', 'I will...', 'I know...', 'I am going to love doing...' or, 'I am going to get...' etc. This type of language is much more positive and heralds a greater chance of success.
If we couch the words with the mindset of commitment and see them as already happening, there is far more likelihood of not only maintaining what we want, but can result in some wonderful achievements.
Everything you want for yourself for 2014 is totally free. Everything is Yours, Everything has always been Yours. All that is needed is to look inward and accept that everything you want and need to succeed is inside yourself. It is in your head, heart and imagination. All you have to do is open all three, head, heart and imagination and with focus, it will miraculously occur.
The path to success is driven by by your own unique inner self. You can have it all!
You may feel that an opportunity is too good to refuse but if not accepted, the chance will pass. But tell you what friends, no matter what opportunities are missed or delays made, everything needed for success will always be waiting for you.
I have found that if opportunities are not accepted when they appear, those same opportunities happen again but in a different guise. Once you take up an offer or opportunity you will be surprised at the degree of positivity of the outcome. Then, as more opportunities are accepted, the more will be offered.
The thing is, you have to be able to picture what you want and live with it in your life now.
By continually living now with what you want, you have the strongest power and you will be living your life accordingly. Your world will totally change for the best!
I'll tell you what folks, I achieve some miraculous things in my life. How? Simply by tackling what I want from the end. I drive to the shops or anywhere and I picture a car parking space and it happens. I have been doing this for years.
I create positive things in my mind and they happen.
I see what I want and design a plan from the end result. Going backwards from my goal, I work out what I have to do to reach that goal and mentally walk the path from the beginning towards that wonderful end and achievement.
Every day, hour, minute and second, I mentally and physically see and place myself at my destination. Without that, I would not have come nearly half as far as I have.
In effect, I changed the way I looked at things and I continually saw and acted as the outcome had already happened. I can have all I want and need and you can as well.
To obtain all that you want or ever dreamed of, is very very real and very easy if you see yourself now at your end goal.
You can achieve anything you want it is all yours for the taking regardless of who you are or what you do, but it is a good thing to give back and help people and the universe as a way of saying thanks.
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