Wednesday, 22 October 2014


The last word, the second last word or never having the last word, how are important are these?
The last word in an argument, which in hindsight has little importance, and never having the last word may be equally unimportant.  Perhaps we should consider the last word before we pass on to another life.

Realistically, if we die from illness, or old age we rarely have a last word.  What would it be like if we wanted to utter our last words to loved ones and they were not able to be present.  Perhaps no one is there. This means that your final last words may not be heard.

Although we would like to tell our loved ones how much we love them, who can have the ancient family jewellery, make sure you drink all the wine in the cellar (especially the Grange) and eat all the chocolate left in the cupboards.  Oh, and don't forget to feed Mowser the cat, Woof the dog and Whinny the horse.

Our final words are important but of equal importance is to share and communicate how we have lived our lives.

Not only how we have lived our lives but also ,our experiences, adventures and personal history we have lived.  All simply because we are human beings on this wonderful planet Earth.

It does not matter if we have lived in capitalist or non-capitalist countries whether they be rich or poor, in the East or West or of various cultures or faiths.  How we lived or are living our lives can teach those who follow us on their path.  As individuals and as a collective we all live wonderful and interesting lives.  Moreover, we have all lived through history of our planet, nation, cities and, family. It all has a place in the future.

Yesterday a former Prime Minister of Australia, died.  The Right Honourable Gough Whitlam.  Love or hate him, he, as all of us, played a significent role in many other lives.

During my time I have seen 14 Australian Prime Ministers as head of our nation. For a while I lived in Australia's capital, Canberra, and have three times met Julia Gillard, the first Female Australian Prime Minister.  I have also met high court judges, politicians, writers, artists and performers.  But most of all, I have met many of my fellow Australians simply in the street.  As them, I am a part of the mob, simply another Aussie.

I have seen my city, nation and other countries pass through both wonderful and horrific events.  I have seen those I love pass through distressing and very difficult times.  I have seen people pass on to new lives and I have seen the wonderful newness of babies and children being educated and become productive adults.

But you know what folks?

I have never documented, written down or passed on not so much the story of my life, but rather, how my life was lived.  I have never had the last word that tells my story.  I will...soon.

Documenting our stories about how we lived our lives and the people who passed by us, simply on the street or at a party, the meaningfulness, the lessons that may be taught must be passed on.  Not only that, but what is also important, if not valuable, is to leave pictorial images of where we lived.

As some of you may know, I tend to move around a little looking for the perfect place and I am now living in the Australian bush, on a country property.  I went for a walk this afternoon and below, is one of the ponds at the bottom of the garden.  It is very beautiful and it says so much about me (peace, tranquility and open space). The thing is, if I do not include some photos in the story of my life, my great great great grand kids may not have any idea where I lived actually looked like! Mind you in 100 - 200 years, this pond could become a shopping mall.  An example, the pyramids in Egypt used to be a long bus ride from the city of Cairo, and now those same pyramids are on the outer suburbs.

I not only say that our stories must be passed on, but they must be passed on in both digital and paper format.

Sure, write it using a computer or some other digital device, but by printing it out is is there.  Digital technologies and  software become upgraded and new versions made available however in 40 years time I would be very surprised if your story written and placed exclusively in the digital format will not survive as long as paper records.

So, how do I start practising what I preach?
Rather, how do WE start?

I bought an inexpensive large spiral bound notebook the other day and in my notebook I am going to begin by writing down things from my childhood, what my mother and father was like and what I remember of my childhood.  Writing things down help us to remember.

The things I am writing down are simply random thoughts about my mother, what she was like, what she said, how she did things, how she cooked..what she cooked...I remember those wonderful Sunday roast dinners.  On Sunday mornings my sister and myself had to dress up in our pretty lace dresses (mine was lemon) and ribbons and go to Sunday school that was held in church hall. While I was in the littlies class my sister was in the bigger class...and mum and dad were in the church.  I remember when I graduated to the big kids class I was given a celebration bible...still have it...and it has a bookplate that is fancy and dated.  I love my bible, just because it is.

After church, we came home, us kids changed into our play clothes and mum cooked a lamb roast for midday dinner.  This was our routine every Sunday.  Thinking now, mum had long hair that was platted across her head.

See what  I mean?  As I am writing things about my Sunday as a kid, I have remembered the colour of my best dress and the ribbons, my bible and, the fact that mum had platted hair across her head.

Now folks, if you start writing things down like any order, you will be amazed what you remember.  Documenting things can help you in difficult times.  For example, when a loved one passes on, by writing what you remember will be healing and ease the pain in your heart.  Besides, by the time you are 80, think of the wonderful book you can read!  All about your life that may have been forgotten!

By remembering and documenting some previously unforgotten things, your future descendants will find it interesting and may even help them see their place and how they belong in the family.  It will also provide a sense of how society and your city and country was 'back in the day'.

All of this is absolutely invaluable to your family history and, you.

Once we leave our life with our stories and family histories untold, they are gone forever!

Don't Pass With Your Last Words Unspoken




Sunday, 21 September 2014


Since the 1950's and the invention of pantyhose, those spidery fine, stretchy coloured leggings that need no sexy suspenders and very little support garments such as girdles has not only made an addition to fashion but also has changed the way we look at things.

I contended that pantyhose was not only the forerunner of 'one size fits all' but also the reality of 'one size fits most.'  How true is this?  We all know the 'one size fits most' paradigm whether it be hats that swing on our heads, belts that we run out of holes or length of belt and, pantyhose.  No matter how fat the belly and bum it is quite often the chubby lady or lad when purchasing extra tall or extra large pantyhose know their adipose tissue will not compact enough to fit the pantyhose without the feet dangling or the waist will end up above the abdomen or stretch to the breast or chest.

The same is the way we think about things.

Being individuals of various intellectual strengths, we all think differently.  We think our favourite foods, colours, music, books, art and ways of doing things is the best.  However it is only the best to us because our personal preferences are often influenced by the way we are brought up accompanied by our socio-cultural background.

In other words, 'one size fits all' is very much a case of not only being 'one size fits most' but more like 'one size fits some'.  It is like pantyhose, we may plan for and hope the item will fit but the reality can be very different.

So it is with varying religious and modes of belief.  There are many religions and beliefs in our world and naturally, 'one size does not fit all'.  We are human individuals with many and varied differences and this is why there are indeed so many religious and belief systems.

It follows that it is rather stupid and narrow minded expecting others to follow one particular religion.  Those that force others into a particular religion or belief are after power and control because they feel it is lacking in their individual lives.

It is extremely stupid threatening others who do not follow 'the one size fits all' religion.

Making horrendous threats and carrying them out against others not only puts individuals offside but also a vast number of others.

Those others are much smarter than those of the 'one size fits all religion' who appear to lack any form of humanity nor any particular form of higher intelligence at all.  Most of them are all bleating sheep following others.  In fact, they appear to be the disenfranchised of humanity.

Humans who are smart band together for the sake of humanity and defend all. Those who are disenfranchised in society band together to enforce their particular brand of 'one size fits all'.  These disenfranchised people are not strong enough to stand on their own as individuals.

So, next time you buy a pair of pantyhose that does not fit, toss them out or use them to tie up the roses because if the size does not fit, they are useless for the reason they were intended.

Be vary careful of accepting the 'one size fits all' paradigm, use your individual intelligence to examine the truth.


Monday, 14 July 2014



Some of us who remonstrate at the use of mobile/cell phones may at heart be of the Renaissance period or, more attuned to the currency of mobile communications.  However the renaissance period is not classically aligned with this months image above.  Both are dichotomies, or at the opposite ends of the spectrum.  Thus it is with modern life.

Having being involved in communication and technologies for many years I regularly bought the latest mobile (cell) phone.  In fact, I was one of the uptakers of the second models of mobile phones ever invented.  It was the 80s and I owned a 'brick'.  Still have it, and it still works and does what it was designed to do.

That is, it rings like a normal phone sounding 'ring ring' and it is answered the same way that is, 'Hello?'

Quickly the design of mobile/cell phones became smaller, faster and with more facilities and every few years I upgraded.

I tend to be a futurist and on the topic of cell/mobile phones I see the future being of more simplicity further practicality and far less of the extra features that add to the extra cost.  The future of  communication technologies is not more, bigger, brighter.  The future is simplicity in communications.

I find there is no need for me to play games, use the calculator, the diary, the calendar and check the news, weather or football scores on my phone, I can use my laptop or television for this.

Why do things on a phone that cost a fortune, have expensive downloads, the keys or screen icons are small, and if one wants to easily view articles in a similar size to books or the home computer, one has to purchase an e-pad or something similar and carry this lump of technology around in a bag much larger than the pockets of our jeans.  I say, the perfect phone size is one that fits easily in our jeans front pocket.  Perfect.

All I want to do is to talk on my phone.  The fancy stuff is a waste of my time.

I spend between 2 to 5 hours a day on my laptop on my desk with my Dell Studio 17 inch with zillions of pixel resolution, huge memory, multi drives, fab operating system, a machine I have had since 2009.  It still runs extremely fast whilst being remarkably reliable.

Why the heck do I need a mobile/cell phone to do all these wonderful things that a simple 'ring ring...hello' mobile phone does.

While out and about I do not need to spend an enormous amount of time while having my eyes and mind narrowly focused on a 5 x 3 inch screen.  I can do that at home and not miss out on so much more to observe in our wonderful world.

In short, all I need is a plain and simple bloody phone!

I have rebelled!  Done, finished, over!  My current Nokia E71 is still good, but getting faults and is a bit tired.

Know what I am going to do?

I am going to dig out my old Samsung flip or 'shell' phone as it has the most wonderful basic functions I will ever need.  It goes 'ring ring' and then I say 'hello'.

Why does life seem to be so darned complex!

My collection of old phones are brilliant.  The all still go 'ring ring'...'Hello?'

What can be more simple!

Viva Simplicity!


Saturday, 21 June 2014



Early morn has broken.  The sun looms over the horizon beckoning you to do your favourite thing.
Go out to the barn on this wonderful fresh sunny day and partake of your favourite day starter.  The smell of horse manure.  Diligently, as every other day you put your horse Ned in the yard and muck out the stable.

Having finished, you grab a cup of coffee, sit on the rails talking to Ned and you contemplate on how wonderful it is to have a horse.  After a while Ned wanders off  and you find yourself watching Ned's generous backside walking away.

Think about it, Ned and his forbears have been used for galloping into battle, hunting, tilling the soil and also as a means of transport.  But is that all?

A while ago now, I read a report on the effect horses have on our modern civilisation.

The width of two horse arses is why farm machinery, cars, railroads, motor vehicles, roads, boats and  space rockets are a similiar width.

Yes all you wonderful horsey folk, the width of all if not most modern transport is all because of the width of a horses arse.

Based on my understandings, the following facts are true.

Once upon a time in the ancient Greek era their military training included horse racing.  Soldiers wanted to be the fastest galloper.  Their military decided it would be an advantage to attach a cart and call the combination a 'chariot'.  Following, their military figured that if they had a bigger chariot with two horses and two soldiers, one could steer and the other could battle the enemy.

Chariot racing then became a very popular sport.  However, they needed a race arena that had to be wide enough to allow either six or eight  teams of horses next to each other.

The public, and those who could afford them, realised that a horse is a darned wonderful thing for transport.

Most folks could only afford one and eventually, there were many people on horseback taking rough tracks to their destination and return.  This means on one track, people were going in both directions, which again means, the tracks became the same width of two horse arses plus a little bit more.  Then people started using wagons with two horses pulling.  And yes, the tracks stayed the same size.

Consequently, it was accepted that all roads were to become the same width, i.e. the aforementioned witdth of two horse arses.  Then trains were invented so as a matter of convenience, the kept the railway tracks the same size as was accepted for the horse and wagon roads.  Besides, the military thought using trains to transport horses was a good idea and this again was another reason for the railway guages to match the width of horse arses.

The same with cars.  Because cars were seen as an alternative to horse and wagons and used on the same roads, the axles on cars were again made the width to fit on the roads.

In other words, the width of roads, cars and railways are generally based on the width of?
Yep, two horse arses.

Now, here where it really gets even more interesting.

NASA and the US Federal Government were planning and designing space rockets for the US space program.  And apparently, the company that was building the rockets was located on the west coast of the USA.  Because of the optimal conditions of the weather in Florida, the rockets were to be launched from what was then named Cape Canaveral which was later renamed Cape Kennedy on the east coast.

The question then remains, how did they plan to get the rockets from the West Coast to the East Coast?

Because of the height, weight and length of the rockets it was not possible to transport them by road, shipping was out of the question nor obviously, could they be flown.

They decided the rockets would be transported all the way across the US by railway.
However, this means the rockets had to be designed and built to fit the width of a railway line.

So, even today, although road, cars and train widths are dictated by the width of two horse arses so were the rockets for the US space program.

So, the next time you see your horse from the back, or you refer to someone as being a 'horses arse', reflect on what a wonderful compliment it is!

To have an arse that dictated and helped modern civilisation to produce such wonderful advances in science and technology should be applauded.

So folks, go and give your horse an extra apple today and value every bit of manure you step in.
The horse arse is a wonderful thing that also provides wonderful nourishment for your roses.

Oh, and take pride when someone calls you a horses arse!


Friday, 30 May 2014



This week's Verde Word is a reflection of how in moments of intense anger, stress or discomfort, we at times become enraged and take it out on others.

Cowboy Joe is no different from the rest of us, however because he comes from a different century he carries a handgun in his holster.  If  his temper nor his actions can't be controlled, this presents a very dangerous scenario.

Look...down the street, here comes Cowboy Joe.  Man, he look angry at something, I hope like crazy he is not gunning for me.  I often think that the little paranoia bird sings in Joe's tree.

If you see Cowboy Joe stomping down the street, kicking up the dust, his right hand hovering over his gun and holster, find somewhere to hide, now!

You see, Cowboy Joe always thinks someone is either against him, makes fun of him, does not like him or is ready to offend.  He waits for it to happen because in his mind, everyone is out to 'get' him.  He knows it will happen, and it does happen, because this is what Joe expects.

One day, he was so riled up at something he thought someone had said behind his back, and even if they did not say whatever it was, he just knew they were about to.  You betcha!

So there was Joe stomping down the street, gunning for an unknown someone or something to shoot.  The steam could be seen gushing out his ears, his mouth was set so tight his teeth gnashed and it was a wonder they did not break.  He was very angry at something although he did not know what.  He was in such a bad mood and extremely angry that things in town were looking pretty nasty.

Down the street he went, horses, dogs, cats, women and children and all manner of living things not only hid, but some even headed for the hills.

With each step, Joe was getting more and more mad.  Grunting, shouting and cursing at anyone or anything in earshot.  Fury was raging in Joe's mind and heart. He knew the world hated him and no one liked him. 'You will pay!' He was yelling and screaming repeatedly.  'You will all pay for it, I know what you think of me!!!" he was shouting.  Suddenly, his anger and control was totally lost and he was shaking and out of control.  He grabbed for his always loaded gun and attempted to whip it out of his holster and shoot!  

Unfortunately, his timing was out and he pulled the trigger before the gun had left his holster.
The stupid bastard shot himself in the foot!  Hopping, jumping, falling over and rolling in the dirt in absolute agony.  Naturally, this made him even madder if that was indeed possible.

The town Chinese laundry was nearby and Wing Chang came running out and over to Cowboy Joe who was still writhing in agony.  Although Wing Chang was a peaceful man and not particularly brave, he was quick enough to grab Joe's gun and toss it as far away as he could.

'Joe, Joe. Stop.  You stop.  Is ok.  I will help.'  
Joe swore at Wing Chang but the oriental gentleman still continued to bring Joe under control.

'Why you wanna help me you chink?  You all hate me.  I know!' Joe was still spitting angry words.

Wing Chang was quiet and calm as he bent over Cowboy Joe.  With peace in his voice Wing Chang quietly said  'Joe, man with anger not good, not good.  Come,  I will help you.'

Joe was continually grumbling and cursing as Wing Chang helped Joe hobble to the laundry.  
Once inside, Wing Chang commenced helping Joe get his boot off and clean the bloody wound to his big toe.

'Bloody gun, bloody toes, bloody people, everyone is bloody against me.  If people were nice to me this would not have happened.'

Wing Chang did not reply, instead, he was making a cup of tea for them both.

'I can't drink this.  What is this bloody Asian tea stuff, it is poison!' Joe exclaimed.

Staying silent Wing Chang placed Joe's cup of tea on the table where Joe was seated and then continued cleansing Joe's wound and padding it with soft clean fabric.

Joe continued mumbling and grumbling but he was becoming less noisy and his anger was subsiding.

After a  while, Joe stopped complaining and sat sullenly in the chair.  

Wing Chang said nothing and kept drinking his tea.  He was surprised that Cowboy Joe did not storm or even hobble back into the street.

The winds of rage died down.  The storm was subsiding.

Wing Chang  gauged his time.

Cowboy Joe looked at Wing Chang with curiosity.

Wing Chang knew the moment had come.

'Wing,  are you not afraid of me?' Joe asked.

'No, I am not afraid of you.  It is you who is afraid of you.' Wing replied.

Joe said nothing.

Wing Chang continued.

'You are not angry at anyone Joe.  You are angry at yourself.  No matter how many things you shoot, or yell or are angry at, your anger towards others is not true.  You are angry at yourself and blame others for the way you feel.

Joe, I like you, everyone in town likes you but because you dislike yourself, you think we are the same and dislike you too.  This is not true.

Look at yourself differently.  You are a good man Joe. You don't drink booze, you never hurt anyone, you are not a thief, you earn a living.  But Joe, one piece of advice, you have to learn to love and like yourself like we all like you.  Joe, recognise the good things in yourself.

But, if an unhappy man has a temper, he must not carry a gun.  

Because a man who carries a gun, shoots himself in the foot'

Cowboy Joe sat quietly and drank his tea.


Wednesday, 21 May 2014



When we hear the words 'Staying Alive' what do we think of?  Do we think of the basics of survival, the trials and tribulations of life or perhaps the Bee Gees?  Or do we think of the struggles encountered by all living things in trying to stay alive and in some measure, provide pleasure to us human animals?

Recently I visited my mother. If she were alive today she would be over 100 years old.  Mum is still alive, always will be but although her human remains are scattered in a beautiful garden, and I am able to visit, she will always be alive.  Mum had always been a keen gardener, green thumbs and only pruned foliage when necessary.  As a child I loved the forest feel of our garden as even then, I enjoyed being united with nature. Mum preferred her garden to look more landscaped than the random, wild look I prefer.

As soon as I arrived I saw a particular small plant with tiny blue flowers and felt it was mum’s favourite. Shortly after, I felt mum’s presence and she began telling me about the garden and her favourite, yes, the small plant with tiny blue flowers.  She said that her reason for liking the plant with tiny blue flowers was because she admired its strength and determination to survive and rise above the undergrowth.  The plant had been struggling for ages, but managed to struggle its way to sunlight and rise above the others.

I was thinking that another plant looked a bit odd because it looked out of place but mum said that although the plant that looked out of place, a garden must have variety and consist of different things.  It is this that makes gardens so interesting.  

After visiting and seeing mum, I have been thinking about how important gardens and plants are, not only in the environmental perspective but the personal as well. 

Last night, I was reading a book on tea, tea ceremonies, tea rooms and the Tea Masters of China and Japan and a particular philosophy called Teaism.  Teasim embraces not only the philosophy of Tea but also the practise, ceremonial and the decoration of the tea room, waiting room and entrance through the gardens.

Teaism is associated with Taoism, Zen and Buddhism.  The book tells us how important, besides other things of the importance of looking after plants and flowers.  We have gardens with flowers, succulents, trees and bushes etc. growing in our gardens, local parks and forests. The plants gain sustenance from the elements of sunshine, rain, soil, winds and anything around them.  In the ground, or in pots they live for a very long time.

We use flowers and blooms to display at weddings, funerals, hospitals and for celebrations such as birthdays, Mothers and Fathers day, Valentine’s Day and Christmas or simply for a job well done.  For many reasons we use flowers to help others feel good.

All living things have feelings, although the feelings are not easily measurable by making human comparisons.  

We pick the flowers or plants. The plants are violently removed from their natural home, away from their family and friends, may be treated, abused or used as an inanimate object instead of being revered for the beautiful organistic living thing they are.

Obviously, once flowers and other plants are picked, they do not live long because the dying process commences from the time they are picked.  Having been picked and vased, they only provide pleasure for a short time.  

How do we treat flowers?

We may intend to pick and treat the flower tenderly, but in reality, we cut them off at their feet or rip them out of the ground, tearing their limbs from the body, they bleed, they suffer and the rest of the plant does its best to recover.  Sometimes we use a hot blade or flame to singe the end of the stems, tear off some leaves and the torn limb,  let them sit swimming in a vase of water and the petals being their visage or face wilts, dies and is thrown onto a stinky smelly garbage heap or if lucky, into a compost bin.  In human terms, this is torture.  Not always a pleasant way to end life.

Is this the way us as humanitarians treat other living things?  

If giving a gift of flowers, instead, is it not better to keep the plant whole so it will provide pleasure for a much longer period.  If the plant becomes tired, sick or old  we can water nurture it with water and plant food, or put it outside in the fresh air and sunshine amongst other plants so it may recover for the next time we need flowers, or foliage.

I suggest that the next time you want to give flowers, instead of giving the cut or dismembered bloom, is it not much kinder to give the whole plant in a pot or tub?  This is truly the gift that lasts a very long time indeed.  

Every time the plant is looked upon by the receiptant, the pleasure of the gift and the giver will remain much longer than they would if it were a bunch of cut flowers that live for a very short time and once dead, will be disposed of. 

Ensure you and your gift are remembered.  
Make it a living gift.


Friday, 9 May 2014



This article is simply an expression of my thoughts on the power of writing.  

I see writing to consist of three elements both of which work in tandem to produce something to read and think about.

Firstly, I see writing as being an expression of an idea generated from our personal mind.

Secondly, I see writing as being the physical action of using words expressed with grammar whilst inputting the tone or colour of the piece being written.

Thirdly, the most important thing is that in writing, the writer or author holds the focus on a particular thought or idea based on personally obtained experiences or knowledge.

If a writer produces an article or story without taking into account their personal life such as who they are, life experiences, the demographic or society in which they live as well as emotions, attitudes etc and their opinions, there would not be such a vast array of articles to read in books, newspapers or online such as web sites or blogs as there are now.

If every writer draws upon all their personal knowledge, experience and intellectual capacities then we can all learn so much more and perhaps become more informed, educated and a less violent society.

Every human has a voice and expression of ideas and many are very different in their subject matter and context.  Every individual writer expresses themselves differently.  That they do is of immense value.

Unless we openly and honestly express ourselves and  remain educated we are not be able to inform or educate despots that education is necessary for all nations to enable them to proceed to become a democratic society free of fear. 

If boys and girls do not become educated they will continue to be ruled by the power of the gun and fear.  And murder, rape, mutilation and kidnapping of children for the express purpose of vicious personal gain will continue to occur.  As long as nations allow thugs and murders to remain, the more that nation will continue to slip further into poverty whether financial, intellectual, psychologically or otherwise.


Using Words Wisely

The power a writer holds at their fingertips, in their hearts or brain is far reaching if not unlimited.

We may write for pleasure, we may write because we have to, but if we all write something that in it's own small way makes someone think, consider and perhaps Be motivated to write something as well, the message stick will be passed around and we have the power to change the past and effect change and future history.

Holding the power in your hands or fingers as they float over those small black keys gives you, the individual, the capacity to use the tools of modern communication to help wipe out fantasists who steal, murder, put into slavery, rape, use for personal pleasure, sell for prostitution, or mutilate for fun, children, girls and boys who all they want is an education and a good life and future for themselves.

We as writers have the capacity to make our feelings heard and put forward logical arguments that will encourage governments and neighbour countries to join forces to wipe out ignorant, murderous, animal, child murdering, child raping bastards in the world who purport Allah told them to inflict atrocities. What utter bovine excreta that is!

Put your fingers to work, write something with intent that informs on the power of information and education whilst showing how stupid are those that rule using violence.  This is best done and the message has more hope of succeeding if it is done without offending any race, religion or faith.

It is also wise to not mention the names of people or fanatical groups as this would add to their publicity and boost their ego.

Write your thoughts based on your educated viewpoint and spread the word.

For Humanity.


Sunday, 20 April 2014



Within our civilised and non-civilised world of our own and other nation communities there are a number of insane people, mad fanaticists, extremists, murderers and others of a similar ilk who feel their actions are both necessary and appropriate to promote a particular viewpoint or cause.  Thus, because of the large number of citizens the TV news media attract, this is the bad guys tool of choice for the promotion of their cause.

Those of us, being the majority of the populous, are regular in our habits of watching the news on television. Night after day, day after night, sometimes by habit or by being hooked in or enthralled watch the same video events a number of times from a media organisation such as Reuters, AAP etc. that is broadcast on different stations.  The film is the same, sometimes edited regardless of the TV station.

So, if you are like me and like to watch different news broadcasts on alternate stations to gain a more intelligent, international or local perspective, we still end up watching the same murder, torture, bashings and inhumanities many times. Sensibilities are attacked.

Due to the repeating nature of TV news, on one evening, we may watch the same piece of film on at least four TV stations.  Additionally, each TV station as a promotional strategy for their news, show bits of film: before the news as an 'introduction'; 'coming up' (at least twice); the news item itself often with the film shown more than once; and again towards the end as a 'what you missed' item. In other words, the same piece of film within 60 minutes is shown at least 4 times on the one station.  If we generally watch  news on 4 stations, which is what I used to do, this means that in the same evening we see the same atrocity a minimum of 24 times.  Bear in mind, this is only one news item.  Twenty four times?  Yep!

If one TV station has four similar news items (which they generally do) such as war in  the Ukraine, murder in Melbourne, shootings in Sydney and perhaps a car accident where a child or someone died, on the one station it is possible within a period of 60 minutes to view inhumane blood guts and despair at least 24 times during the same hour on the same tv station.

News????  You want news?  You want to know what is going in the world?  You do have a right to know.  Sure, we all do, it is our right to know and I will defend journalists and their work, but, I take exception to the number of times we watch such things over and over. Once or twice is enough.

Television stations say they play it extra times for people who have just got home from work?  Sure, but a minimum of 24 times in a hour?  Come on!

Do we want this?  Do we need this?  Do we really really need this?

If you watch 4 TV news shows a day, this means in one day you will view the same film footage of real life murder and human atrocities 96 times!

Ok, say we only watch TV during the week days that is, 5 days a week.

This means that over those 5 days over 52 weeks of the year, we viewing these atrocities, murders and crimes against humanity at the rate of:

480 a week = 24,960.  That is in one year!!!!

In one year, without realising it, you have watched and perhaps subjected your children and loved ones to 24,960 murders.  I repeat for emphasis: twenty four thousand nine hundred and sixty times!  

Ok, I hear you, I hear you.  You only watch the news once a day five days a week.

That still subjects the senses to only 1,040 murders and brain numbing violence a year.

You're doing good, you have cut your children down to experiencing only 1,040 of these atrocities a year.

I think it is good for children to see the news so they can be informed young people and give them an honest perspective of the world, but seeing violence of this type 1,040 times a year?  Come on!

Once a day is enough.  365 times a year or, watch TV news that is not exclusively sensationalist. 
Does non-sensationalist news without a hidden bias exist?  

I don't know, I have exercised the Power of my Index Finger.

I place my index finger in a horizontal position and push.


I ask the question, with the repeated shootings, bashings, violence, murder and mayhem on our streets, could the news services on television be a promoter of human atrocities because we are becoming desensitised and no longer feel shocked.  Do we feel "oh well, another murder 'ho hum'?"

I can't help but feel that if many more of us simply turned the TV off or changed the station when any form of violence was on TV, we might make greater inroads to a safer and more peaceful society.

By us as citizens turning off the repeated bloody news items that provide a forum for the promotion of bloody minded fanaticists and their atrocities, would that lessen their message getting through and therefore the media would be less of a tool for mad people's inhumanities?



Friday, 11 April 2014



Australia is abound with many marvellous marsupials, creepy crawlies, reptiles and some seemingly crazy birds.  There have been much Australian published poems on the subject of our fauna such as Mad Jack's Cockatoo and The Spider from the Gwydir. 

Australians have very strong leanings towards our kangaroos, koalas and cockatoos.
Now, cockatoos are not just cockatoos, there are black cockatoos, the Major Mitchell cockatoo, Sulphur crested cockatoos just to name three species.

Being the city gal who has only ever spent a school holiday on my uncle’s farm many years ago, I have always felt the pull of the bush with its gum trees of eucalypts, soil, rocks, mountains and anything to do with nature.

I had sold my house and needed somewhere to live for a short time. 

With difficulty finding a house where my lovely ginger cat could come with me was difficult as rental properties which allowed animals were rarely found. The only place I could find for my little girl and myself was a country house on a corner block on the edge of a rural village.

The village had a population of about 300 and it was surrounded by much wide open space with the normal collection of farm animals, houses, cows, sheep, alpaca and of course, kangaroos.  The area also has a number of artisans and vegetable growers.

The house was not flash, to me it seemed more suitable as shearer’s quarters.  However, it was large, I could see for miles, I could walk to town, a vet was nearby, as was an historic church and, handy as anything, the cemetery was also just down the road.  There were a few times I would sit on the veranda watching a funeral as people walked from the church to the cemetery.  I did not think I would need it for my purposes, but sometimes I would visit, walk around the tombstones talking to everyone.

My lovely cat and I were in the settling in period.  She was rather frightened a lot because she had never seen so much 'nothing', so much open space.  She was a domestic cat, free to a good home and brought up in suburbia.  Besides this, she was ten years old and her eyesight was beginning to fail, as was her hearing, but, she always found her food...all day. I suppose she may have been considered a country cat because she grazed.

She was not familiar nor accustomed to country fauna.  She had never seen a cow, horse, tortoise, rabbits nor chooks.  She has seen a number of cockatoos and other native birds, but not as abundant as those in the bush.

Next door there was a pony, across the road horses were grazing, at the rear of our yard was a chook pen and early in the morning and late fact, almost anytime, rabbits were out doing whatever rabbits do just hippty hopping around.  I still don't think she saw the tortoise walking down the road.  Things moved slow in our village.

Our house had a raised veranda along one side facing the street in which was high electricity wires spread from pole to pole.  Nearby, in our yard was a very large 50 feet pine tree.  The pine tree was a favourite hangout for the very many cockatoos and was their preferred bed for the night.  I estimate there were at least fifty cockatoos resident in the pine tree.

One afternoon, I saw the most amazing event with those crazy cockatoos.  I had never seen it on TV nature progams,videos, online, in bird books or even for real, I had not even heard of it.  I tend to think that what these crazy cockatoos were doing may have been a particular local thing in our pastoralist area.

What I am about to tell you I feel is either totally unique or, I am too much of a city gal.

This story exhibits that all animals, especially these cockatoos can find solutions to life problems.


After a few days of torrential rain, an absolute deluge, the cockatoos left their pine tree and stood on the power lines running along the street.  They were flapping and squawking and general carrying on with the social things cockatoos do with their mates.

All of a sudden, one cockatoo still clinging onto the power line, fell forward hanging by his feet and begun flapping his wings, like flying upside down but hanging on by his feet.

Well, blow me down, another copied him, then another and another and so it went on so that at least 20 cockatoos were hanging upside down flapping their wings.

Then I saw it!  Cockatoos are mimics and copy others.  It only took one to start them off.

One cockatoo swung into a standing position on the wire, outstretched his wings, his feet loosely attached to the wire, fell forward and commenced rapidly flying in circles up and over, up and over again and again and again the wire very fast!

As I say, with his feet still attached, around and around and around and around the wire. Then a few more did it too.  

Then, the whole mob of cockatoos, at least 20 stated doing the same thing.  All hanging by their feet, wings outstretched and flying around in the wire in circles, up and over up and over up and over again and again and again whilst hanging on with their feet!

It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen!

What were they doing?  They had come up with a brilliant way of flying and flapping their wings whilst being stationary.  Why?  They were drying their wings!

I think this is brilliant!


Often, solutions to a problem are driven by necessity, they may not need deep thought, advice from others nor the formation of a committee, team or group of mates to work it out because underneath it all, in our mind, our gut feelings or even our heart, we intrinsically or by intuition know the true answer and can solve problems or issues by ourselves.

By asking others for either advice or confirmation, it can cloud the issue.  When you have found the solution and solved the problem, does it not align with what your gut feelings or intuitions were telling you in the first place?

Trust yourself, the only one who really understands the issue and consequences of the final outcome is you. 

If you need to speak to someone about a solution, the best person are your parents because most parents who have their kids well being at heart, don't have any hidden agenda and are less likely to fabricate, or lie. Of course there is granny, but make sure she understands the issues at stake.  Or, go ask a cockatoo.

Like the cockatoos in rapid rotation around the electricity wires, they used their innate intelligence and gut instincts and solved the problem.  Following, examples based on experience from others, the big birds probably taught the younger birds by example.

Squawk..squawk squawk


Friday, 4 April 2014


In life, we meet many people; we relate, commence loving relationships and form a union.  

With providence or synchronicity we meet the person with which we become one.  Many of us do not find ‘the one’ and some of us do.

Sometimes, the person we are supposed to meet in this life simply does not appear.  So, as a compromise, we form a relationship with someone who is similar to us, holds similar interests, lifestyles and ways of being and we are happy and content.

However, if someone enters our life and we feel immense love that is all encompassing and evolving into something very beautiful whilst brushing and stirring the rouge velvet of our very deep souls, we know that this love was destined for us both since the evolution of time.

We both know we are destined to spend not only this life together, but perhaps the next.
We both know, or feel we have known each other in a past life yet were not able to be together.

When the opportunity has occurred again in this current life, both know that opportunity must be taken with outstretched hands, both offering, holding and treasuring the others heart.


It is very sad when two souls being deep in their love find that one or the other needs to withdraw.  However, upon a partner removing themselves from the relationship, the love does not cease.  

Once we love as deeply as Maurice and Olivia, there is no turning back. Those involved in love like this must move forward.

No matter how deep the love, in our heart mind and soul, we think of them every day.

Throughout the night, their image, voice, emotions, mannerisms and times spent together, pass through our sleep.

We never forget and forever remember and continue to adore, yearn and value the absent person that still remains the love of our life.

Love today like you’ve never loved yesterday or may love in the future.

Love is Never Ever Lost.