Saturday, 8 March 2014



Oh Celery, how I love thee, let me state thy ways!

Celery, my beloved Celery, I love thy appearance with green luxurious leaves and long, strong stalks.  I love thy sweet, earthy but slightly tangy aroma with a hint of wild rich humus soil in a forest.  I love thy touch as my hand caresses thy leaves, thy stalks whilst enjoying the solidity and feel of veins under my fingers. I relish thy woody sound as I remove thy stalk from thy bunched body allowing a loud woody scrunching sound as I make the separation.  Celery, You are an organic orgasmitron.

Yes Celery, I adore you, I venerate you.

You come from greatness, you attract greatness, Celery, you are greatness.

You are my love.


This article is about valuing all food that we grow, cook and imbibe.

We may take a can from the cupboard, open it, throw the contents into a saucepan, heat and eat.
We may take the meat, veggies, anything from the garden or fridge with our mind on our coming meal.

There are times when we think about nutrition when hunter-gathering at the markets or supermarket whilst selecting fruit and vegetables.  However, do we think and truly value and love the food we prepare and serve?

Foods is the most important thing in our human life.  Without their vitamins, minerals and moisture etc., we and other animals would die.  We need food for survival.

We may have a love-hate relationship with corporate or multi-national companies that invest in the food industry.  We may also feel the same way with cage, pen or other animal or fish lot farming.  As well, we may also have negative feelings towards the use of chemicals used during vegetable farming as well as freeze storage of our food.


Farmers and food producers of protein and vegetable based products place a lot of themselves into their product.  Farmers in particular arise very early in the morning and either observe their vegetable or animal domain, they walk the crop, field and paddocks.  Farmers talk to their plants and animals and they ensure they are fed, nourished and watered.  Farmers love what they are doing, it gives them pleasure and a meagre living otherwise they would not be in the industry.  Farming is a very hard, long and difficult job with little guarantee of sustainable crops or profits.  Farmers love their environment and products and therefore it is not only preferable but also desirable that we as consumers appreciate not only the farmers efforts but also, their products.

Animals and plants long before the planting, growing and processing process began, embarked on their life journey before the pre-seed or pre-embryonic stage began. They were alive and as all things, plants and animals (including us), came from somewhere and are going somewhere.  At the micro-organic or quark stage everything lives, grows and keeps on growing.

As we consume food for nutrition and energy, which we as animals need, the foods or substances we imbibe continues forever.  The sub-atomic particles help to process and feed our bodies and when waste substances are ejected, those particles still continue to live and give life to other organics.


When preparing food, think about it.

Place the vegetables, fruit, meat or cereals or other on the chopping board, lets say courgettes.

Pick up the courgettes, feel their weight and texture, smell their earthiness, feel their skin.  Think and see them as a wonderful organic plant that came from a sub-organic particle, grew to a seed, were planted and grew.

Those lovely courgettes enjoyed the rain as it fell.  The courgette roots in the subterranean underground explored and reached out through millions of years of soil. Who knows, those same little courgettes you are holding in your 21st Century hand, could well be growing and nourished by soil that was once a plant or tree over 20 million years old.  So, in your hand you are holding a nourishing food that has been in production for a very long time.  Think about it.

Place those courgettes on the chopping board and keep in mind where they came from, what they came from and where they are going.

As you take the knife in hand, feel the courgettes and allow your hand and mind to be tender.
Give them love, mentally appreciate them, enjoy thinking how beautiful they will taste and how wonderful it is that we may cherish and nourish our body with their vitamins.  Be accepting and grateful.

The courgette has given you it's life.  Your life will continue on and be helped by a courgette.  I promise you, by placing more emphasis and thought on your food during preparation, it will taste so much more delicious.

Bon Appetite


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