The sound of silence. Does silence exist. What does silence sound like. What is the benefit of silence.
Quietly listening, and being aware of the silence we are hearing, are we hearing the sound of silence? Are we hearing silence or the sound of silence? Does this mean that silence has a sound and that sound is the sound of nothing? Therefore, as silence has the sound of nothing, then the sound of nothing does exist.
Silence is the only thing that is not divisible. Cut silence in half and you have silence, cut it again, you have silence. Multiply silence, you have silence, and again, you still have silence. No matter what is done with silence, it still remains with the same amount and that amount is not quantifiable.
Quietude is the state of being still and quiet within ourselves. Silence is how we reach the state of quietude. The result of quietude is peace.
When we as individuals practise silence as a way of stilling our minds or reaching into a philosophical place that not only becomes a space of quietude within ourselves, but also reaches a highly enlightened state of mind. In turn this produces feelings of awakening and wisdom and a new way of seeing our world and those around us. We feel at peace and in harmony with our universe.
In contrast, there are also the times when we sit in silence, stunned into silence and perhaps numbed by fear, afraid to act.
The time to be silent must be gauged for the time to speak. The time for silence must be weighed against the effect of speaking, the time for silence must also be measured against the harm that is done by not speaking.
The effect of remaining silent can be devastating in various ways.
If a nation, state, district, or local area have leaders, politicians, bureaucrats, police, military, business people or fellow townsfolk or citizens who are corrupt, liars, egocentrics, manipulators of humanity, bullies, thieves, rapists, child molesters and murderers, the time for acting by speaking out is now, regardless of the risk, humanity has a need to respond by speaking out. The time for silence is over.
The effect of being aware of despicable acts yet still remaining silent and non responsive has a devastating impact on society and civilisation. By remaining silent the harm and further collateral damage is guaranteed.
If one is silent when asked a question regarding knowing of harmful acts against humanity, is this lying? It definitely is.
Sometimes for a period, it is wise to remain silent for personal safety and survival. There are times when it is necessary to gauge what is said, when it is said and of course, to whom it is said.
Society can not continue indefinitely turning in another direction to avoid seeing and hearing the sound of children crying, brothers and sons screaming as they die on battle fields, sons and daughters raped as a puerile attempt at self empowerment by the rapist. Nor can we fail to speak up when children are being harmed by paedophiles. Nor can we fail to speak up against murderers and sadistic torturers who want to punish women and children for wanting an education for themselves and their country.
Our planet was created beautifully and designed as a place of peace and harmony. That over 2,000 years ago, historic despots used faith and religion to manipulate the masses to gain more land and political power for themselves is something that is still being propagated today. We all live on the same planet called Earth and it belongs to all of us.
Forget what is yours is yours, and what is ours is yours as well. Grow up and live, the dying is not worth it.
Consider: If over the past 2,000 years, all the money spent on armaments, military and reparation was put into national development, some of these countries would be amongst the richest in the world. Look at Australia, peaceful, harmonious and a population of only 22 million. Without many wars and invasions, Australia is one of the richest countries in the world. That says many positive things about peace and democracy.
Silence of the mind, silence of the conscience, silence of the heart is extremely rewarding as it facilitates quietude and peace.
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