Friday, 22 November 2013



This weeks post is an introduction to the natural elements of Fire, Earth, Wind and Water and these will be individually addressed during the four weeks of December.

As you know, we all come from one source, one origin of energy.  Not only do we come from one energy source, but all things in the universe come from that same source.  We come from a matter-less state into a state of matter.

All plants, animals, rocks, gases, liquids, solids etc., absolutely everything is formed from a matter-less source. Call it Source, God, Mohammad or George,  the name does not matter.  What does matter is to recognise that everything in the universe is comprised of mini-micro organisms, neutrons, protons, electrons, and sub-atomic matter, all of which came from nothing. Non-existence into existence. Non-matter into matter.

As everything originated from non-matter into matter so do the earthly elements of Fire, Earth, Wind and Water.  Although we can touch, see and feel the effects of these four elements, they not only affect our human existence but also our moods, feelings and our personal behaviour.

For example, although our homes, towns and cites can be affected by these four elements, we may also be frightened during wildfires, we may live in an earthquake zone and be afraid of disappearing into the earth caused by the movement of soil.

We may be threatened by tornados and the wind, or the water storm surges brought by the sea, or the rain brought by hurricanes or even being afraid of deep water and what is unseen below the surface.  Some people experience ill health such as headaches when low pressure weather is present, or migraines when the wind is blowing, or heat stroke during hot weather, or hypothermia in snow or ice storms and blizzards.

It is paramount is that we need the four elements of Fire, Earth, Wind and Water for survival. We need  fire to keep warm and cook food, earth to grow our crops,wind to pollinate and populate plant life and water to cleanse and hydrate plants and animals.  Humans and all animal life on planet Earth need the four elements to survive.

We may need these elements for survival, but we can use these elements as a paradigm, a model of how to better understand and use our lives.

How we use Fire, Earth, Wind and Water is important not only physically, but also to help guide us along a positive behavioural and mental health path.

Fire, Earth, Wind and Water can heal and nurture our souls, our minds, our psychological well being while also, be used as a paradigm for altering our personal way, our journey through life and being enable to think more clearly and act more rationally whilst being objective and calm.

There is the language of Fire, Earth, Wind and Water. 'He is a fire brand', 'She is an earth mother', 'Politicians are big winds', or, 'Rolls off like water on a duck's back'.  Then there is the other aspect of being fired up, down to earth, like a breeze and, watered down.  It is this paradigm of language we use to think of ourselves and others as well as using the four elements to reflect how we handle situations inside ourselves. These are the issues and elements that will be covered during the next four weeks.

Effect of Natural Forces - What is Fact, What is Fiction?

As you may have been taught or have seen on a television history program, Planet Earth has remained the same for billions of years, however the location of land and water masses are in a constant state of change.

Have a bit of fun.

Below is a list of what Verde thinks will happen to the poles, various land masses and oceans over the next 10-50 billion years.  Oh, and the wonderful Tony Bennett, what about Tony?

What do you think?

Planet Earth - 20 Million Years Hence

Fact or Fiction : True or False?

        • The South Pole will be the North Pole and vice versa
        • North and South America will be joined to Antarctica
        • Australia will also be joined to Antarctica
        • The Pacific Ocean will be smaller
        • The Atlantic Ocean will be larger
        • Antarctica will be larger
        • Ocean currents will have changed course
        • Humans will live on other planets
        • Humans will live in other solar systems
        • New forms of animal and plant life will exist on planet Earth
        • There will be no such thing as land ownership by nations
        • There will be no individual national governments
        • There will be one World Planet Earth government
        • There will be other World Planet governments
        • Our sun will be running short on gas
        • Hours of sunshine will be shorter
        • That wonderful man, Tony Bennett, will still be releasing albums

Next week the first element of this four week series will be Fire.  In discussing Fire I will write about how the element of Fire can be used in a self-focussed lesson how to link Fire to assist our personal growth and well being.


Friday, 15 November 2013



The sound of silence.  Does silence exist.  What does silence sound like.  What is the benefit of silence.

Quietly listening, and being aware of the silence we are hearing, are we hearing the sound of silence?  Are we hearing silence or the sound of silence?  Does this mean that silence has a sound and that sound is the sound of nothing?  Therefore, as silence has the sound of nothing, then the sound of nothing does exist.

Silence is the only thing that is not divisible.  Cut silence in half and you have silence, cut it again, you have silence.  Multiply silence, you have silence, and again, you still have silence.  No matter what is done with silence, it still remains with the same amount and that amount is not quantifiable.

Quietude is the state of being still and quiet within ourselves. Silence is how we reach the state of quietude. The result of quietude is peace.

When we as individuals practise silence as a way of stilling our minds or reaching into a philosophical place that not only becomes a space of quietude within ourselves, but also reaches a highly enlightened state of mind.  In turn this produces feelings of awakening and wisdom and a new way of seeing our world and those around us.  We feel at peace and in harmony with our universe.

In contrast, there are also the times when we sit in silence, stunned into silence and perhaps numbed by fear, afraid to act.

The time to be silent must be gauged for the time to speak.  The time for silence must be weighed against the effect of speaking, the time for silence must also be measured against the harm that is done by not speaking.

The effect of remaining silent can be devastating in various ways.

If a nation, state, district, or local area have leaders, politicians, bureaucrats, police, military, business people or fellow townsfolk or citizens who are corrupt, liars, egocentrics, manipulators of humanity, bullies, thieves, rapists, child molesters and murderers, the time for acting by speaking out is now, regardless of the risk, humanity has a need to respond by speaking out.  The time for silence is over.

The effect of being aware of despicable acts yet still remaining silent and non responsive has a devastating impact on society and civilisation.  By remaining silent the harm and further collateral damage is guaranteed.

If one is silent when asked a question regarding knowing of harmful acts against humanity, is this lying?  It definitely is.

Sometimes for a period, it is wise to remain silent for personal safety and survival.  There are times when it is necessary to gauge what is said, when it is said and of course, to whom it is said.

Society can not continue indefinitely turning in another direction to avoid seeing and hearing the sound of children crying, brothers and sons screaming as they die on battle fields, sons and daughters raped as a puerile attempt at self empowerment by the rapist.  Nor can we fail to speak up when children are being harmed by paedophiles.  Nor can we fail to speak up against murderers and sadistic torturers who want to punish women and children for wanting an education for themselves and their country.

Our planet was created beautifully and designed as a place of peace and harmony.  That over 2,000 years ago, historic despots used faith and religion to manipulate the masses to gain more land and political power for themselves is something that is still being propagated today.  We all live on the same planet called Earth and it belongs to all of us.

Forget what is yours is yours, and what is ours is yours as well.  Grow up and live, the dying is not worth it.

Consider:  If over the past 2,000 years, all the money spent on armaments, military and reparation was put into national development, some of these countries would be amongst the richest in the world.  Look at Australia, peaceful, harmonious and a population of only 22 million. Without many wars and invasions, Australia is one of the richest countries in the world.  That says many positive things about peace and democracy.

Silence of the mind, silence of the conscience, silence of the heart is extremely rewarding as it facilitates quietude and peace.


Friday, 8 November 2013



This post on Buskers and Panhandlers relates to street entertainers and panhandlers in our cities and towns.  Some people may seem ugly and have issues but they are still beautiful inside themselves.  All of us are loved by someone somewhere at sometime.

As well as us all having a need and deserve to love and be loved, how wonderful it is if we look around, open our eyes wide, and see how beautiful people can be even though at times beauty appears to be missing.

My favourite places, street and things change from day to day, but Rue St Catherine in Montreal, Quebec Canada is always a favourite.

Rue St Catherine is the main street for retail shopping and it has many entrances to the underground network of arcades, malls and shops such as clothing, luggage, food, fragrances, books, in fact anything at all.  The merchandise varies from inexpensive to luxury goods.

Excluding the Metro, (underground rail network), the buildings both above and underground are generally owned by property corporations and banks.  Generally, in Montreal, buskers and panhandlers are not encouraged on private property, therefore, they have to beg or play their instruments in public places such as the Metro and the streets.  

It is very exciting to be in Montreal in spring and in particular during the Montreal Festival du Jazz as buskers are everywhere.  However, during fall and winter when it is cool to freezing and there is cold wind and light snow and the number of buskers is low it is not unusual to see the regular buskers and panhandlers still working their regular spots.

Rue St Catherine

Rue Drummond near Rue St Catherine and Rue Sherbrook

(Photos courtesy of Montreal Gazette)

Rue St Catherine, has about five blocks with specific buskers on specific sites on the ouest (west) side of the street.  

Near the Baie department store (Hudson Bay Trading Company) on the corner of Rue Union in front of the Cathedrale Christ Church, there is often a very talented classical/jazz guitarist.  Many times I have been so engrossed in his music I did not want to leave however, when light snow turned to sleet it is time to depart.   

Below, I think this chap in the metro may be the same busker but if not, he sure looks familiar. Then again, I do not recognise the tiles on the wall so this chap could be in Toronto.

Further down Rue St Catherine outside the Complex Les Alles there is a chap that plays a harmonium whilst a marionette dances.  Further down outside the Eaton Centre on the corner of Ave McGill College there is another chap who plays South American jazz on his tenor sax.

In the area of Rue De La Montagne or Rue Crescent there are a large number of very high end retailers as well as classy restaurants near Steilmann's and, a cigar store.

This is where things are even more interesting.  There is a regular tall skinny gentleman who is often dressed a long brown coat.  I have never seen him look anything other than miserable and grumpy whilst playing his wooden spoons.  Never smiles with the joy of playing with his clappers, just looks cross all the time.  

Around the block there is Ave Sherbrooke and this area has many public and private art galleries, museums and McGill University.  The museum area is often frequented by another older gentleman who is a panhandler.  He asks for money and if refused he becomes angry and abusive so I avoid him.

Proceeding north along Sherbrooke, turning left into Avenue Du Parc there is a supermarket which often has two old grubby and dishelved chaps sitting on the pavement drinking alcohol.  They ask people for change as they exit the supermarket and if not given enough they grumble, grizzle and also become abusive.  

Now here's the thing, two blocks up from the supermarket is a very large multi-storied apartment building.  In the spring, an older gentlemen with a wonderful soft kind face, very well dressed in freshly ironed trousers, crisp ironed shirt, with a bow tie and wearing a woollen cap emerges.  This very dapper gentleman appears after lunch and plays piano accordion music that is very French and truly beautiful.

He stands in the space of the revolving door that does not work.  His case is open for donations.  I often stand there pretending I am waiting for someone while I am fully immersed in his music. What do I do every day I see him playing his music?  I toss every coin I have in my pocket into his case.  I always ensure I had at least one or two dollars for him.  He smiles, nods and I pass inside. We formed a very positive connection.

I ask the question, would you rather form a positive connection like my lovely senior accordionist or a negative connection from someone like this chap below?  

Do those that abuse you more than once, benefit from your kindness?  No of course not. The abusers are avoided and thus miss out on a friendly human interaction and sometimes help whether it be financial or otherwise.

Now, here's the thing.

Whether it be the excellent musicianship of a busker, the grumpiness of a less talented busker like the spoon player, the panhandler who became abusive, the two drunks outside the supermarket or my wonderful old accordionist outside the apartment, I love them all.  

I have been following the 'Way' of Taoism for about three years ago.  I try to practice love for everyone. 

The nasty or unfortunate people that cross my path, regardless of where they are in their lives, they are still people with beauty inside and deserving of love.  If we met the grumpy and abusive people in a different time and place in their lives, or ours for that matter, we may like them more. So, if they have issues and problems, are they not the same people and deserving of love?

As I pass people who are hurting, I try to make a point of either sending love by a hand or a thought, and sometimes I smile and nod wishing them a good day.

Everyone deserves to be loved.


Friday, 1 November 2013



What we see is not always the truth.  Things can be skewed.

Down the street there are three windows, transparent glass framed by timber or stone.  The design of the windows may reflect the character of the owners, but what is behind the window?

The First Window

As you walk past the first house a noise, some action is drawing you nearer. Glancing inside you see a tall, strong man standing over a woman.  His body displays strong intent. He is firmly slapping the woman across the face again and again and again in quick succession.  He is angrily shouting at her words you do not understand. Then he takes a long instrument in his hand and stabs her in the thigh.  You see her being physically abused and the police should be called.

First Window - The Reality

Things are rarely exactly what they seem.

The man slapping the woman was his attempt to stop her from slipping into a diabetic coma before the ambulance arrives. The stabbing of her thigh was an insulin injection pen.

 What may seem right or wrong can sometimes be very different.
Encourage your mind to avoid skewing reality.

The Second Window

The 17th or 18th century house is strong, solid and built of stone.  The front window is small and the room within appears dark and gloomy.

On a low stool a young man, bedraggled, dressed in raggy trousers with the cuffs hanging over dark battered and scruffed worn out shoes.  He faces the window. Draped in a striped shirt with the cuffs hanging around his wrists he loosley holds a long bladed carving knife in his hand.

At first he is muttering.  He is angry, frustrated and you hear various words and phrases that are both vitrolic and sarcastic.

"My bloody life is shit!  Christ, why on earth do I bother!" 

" oh bloody joy! My life festooned with joy?  You've got to be bloody kiddin!   The time of religious and family festive stuff and what do I turkey no duck, no pork, not even a bloody bon bon!  It's all right for everyone else, but what about me, who cares for me? No one!!!"

He looks at the knife.  With intent, the knife is slowly turned and the tip placed at his belly, as he bends forward he tightens his grip on the knife.

You are close to banging on the window to disrupt the impending action.

Second Window - The Reality

The young man leans over to read from paper on the floor.  You realise another person is in the room. Both men stand up and discuss the position of the knife, how to fall from the stool and whether the words in the script are accurate.

The young man is an actor rehearsing for a play. 

Never assume what you view is indeed 'what you are seeing'.

Life experience has many variables. 

The Third Window

Two people, male and female shouting and stomping around with a lot of arm waving.  They are arguing about the water, the broken glass but mainly about the bodies lying dead on the floor.

The woman accuses the man and he accusses her.  "Yeah sure! and my Uncle Fred is my Aunt!"  she yells.  She is furious about the death of George and Muriel.  They talk about getting rid of the bodies and evidence.  There is no blood and the bodies are easy to get rid of as George and Muriel suffocated. 

Third Window - The Reality

There was a large fish tank on a shelf which the large family dog accidentally knocked to the floor. 

George and Muriel are goldfish. 

Never accept the seemingly obvious without evidence and a thorough visual inspection and investigation. 

So often in life, we think we understand what things are, and what is happening.  We use our own life experiences, information and knowledge to understand our world and events around us.  However, we all have different life experiences, learned knowledge which we use to make decisions. 

However, in order to better understand what is happening in our lives and our world, look at things deeply from a different perspective as reality and understanding can become skewed.
