I contend that there is no
such thing as ugly.
Lao Tsu says that in our
world, there are 10,000 things. Regardless
of how many things there are either in our world or universe, all things and their
components are, have been and will continue to be beautiful since the beginning
of the cosmos and thereafter.
From the viewpoint of the creationist,
evolutionist, big-bangist or whatever we believe about the origin of our
universe, it is obvious that life as we know it came from somewhere. That somewhere, whether it was a an atom,
neutron, proton electron, sub-atomic particle or a quark then became matter. Whether it be dark, gray, black or pink
matter formed from matter-less energy, it is totally unrealistic that the source or creator, through
science or whatever, would make something ugly.
Human intellect nor language was not in existence at the time of creation because there was only one super-intelligent and that super-intelligent is not human as it is the source or creator. So, there was no such thing as concepts let alone ugly or beautiful.
Human intellect nor language was not in existence at the time of creation because there was only one super-intelligent and that super-intelligent is not human as it is the source or creator. So, there was no such thing as concepts let alone ugly or beautiful.
From a human perspective,
language, tautology and ideology did not exist at the beginning of life because simply, humans did not exist. Therefore,
at the time of pre-human existence in science and nature ‘ugly’ did not exist
After the appearance of
humans during the continual evolutionary process, intellectual properties facilitated
the evaluation of senses and, emotional feelings developed in humans. Following, the minds of those early humans
were capable of an early from of logic and the concept of ugly and beautiful formed.
Although many times over it
has been said that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ meaning that a
picture can be different from one person to the next, it is subjective to individual
personal likes and dislikes.
If others do not see beauty
this does not mean that that ‘something’ is viewed as anything less than desirable. Sure, something may not be to our personal taste
although it could be viewed favourably to others. Perhaps it could be viewed as not being ‘as
beautiful’ as the other but it is definitely not ugly.
In Taoism and other
philosophies there are dichotomies or, opposites such as Ying and Yang but I
see one exception. That exception is ugly
and beautiful. I argue using the point
that in various interpretations of faith or religious texts it says that when
the world was created, all was beautiful.
Therefore, nothing created was ugly.
So, ugly and beautiful are not in opposition.
In our enlightened world, we
know there are opposites such as black being opposite to white, hot cold, happy
sad, energetic tired, asleep awake, dead alive, flat round, fat skinny, wet dry
etc. are opposites. However, when you look at these terms, they are used to
describe things (black, white etc.), reflect human conditions (happy, sad etc.)
or natural situations (dead, alive etc.) and ugly and beautiful are neither
human conditions nor natural situations however, it can subjectively describe things.
Generally, I believe the terms
ugly and beautiful are often used to evaluate, criticise, judge and measure
against each other and this judging or measuring is neither encouraging or helpful
as they are often attempts to discredit, destroy or damage or hurt an individual
in some way.
You may be thinking, ‘Ah ha...but what if you are performing a critique?’
You may be thinking, ‘Ah ha...but what if you are performing a critique?’
Well my friends, as I
mentioned in my last blog ‘Criticism and Schism’ a ‘Critique’ is used to
perform an evaluation of material in a scientific manner. Thus, only hard data and statistics is used,
not judgemental terms such as ‘ugly’ and ‘beautiful’.
Not everything has an opposite. After lengthy consideration, the only thing I
can think of without an opposite is the source or creator of our universe. Is there an opposite of the creator being a ‘de-creator’,
‘non-source’ or a ‘non-god’? No, they
simply do not exist. In that case, I
pontificate that it is unnecessary to have a negative word exist that does not
promote positivity and that word is ‘ugly’.
It is my belief that what
others consider to be ugly can indeed be beautiful to varying degrees and
although there may be varying degrees of beauty, as I wrote in the previous
blog ‘Being Framed’ the picture of what is seen changes according to its’
environment and the viewer.
How we view things can
deliberately be changed to view those things differently. If we change the way we view things, those
things will change to fit our mental picture.
Thus, we will see things in a different light or viewpoint.
Wayne Dyer said ‘When we
change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.’ If you examine things and see them as being
beautiful, so they will be. What you
think and feel will be, your mind is in control and can influence outcomes.
Below, for your piscatorial
pleasure are some photos of fish. From a
human perspective, what are you feelings as you look at them? Do you see beauty? Alternatively, from the perspective of other
fish of the same species, do you think they would consider these fish to be beautiful? As I say, view them from a different
perspective and seriously consider, are these fish ugly or beautiful in their
own way?
Figure 1
I see this fish with
a human face that appears sad. Perhaps the
fish is considering the inevitability of never seeing home again. I see kindness and softness. I feel warmth
and compassion for this fish. I see no
ugliness, I see beauty.
Figure 2.
I see this fish as
displaying the human quality of unhappiness while also looking rather annoyed. There is anger in the eyes and my human thoughts
are him thinking, ‘Ok, I’ve had enough, don’t mess with me anymore!’ Again, I
do not see ugliness.
Figure 3.
Oh, it can be
such a struggle sometimes getting out of the pool sometimes! I am unsure if it is fish or amphibian or maybe
a fish on steroids preparing for the Fisholympics or should that be the
Amphibolympics? However, credit must be given
for making the effort to get that body out of the pool. This fish is exactly
how it was designed to be.
All of the photos exhibit the
fish exactly how they were meant to be.
They are all very different yet beautiful in their own various ways and
this is the same with all living things.
No matter what continent,
country or culture we come from or our afflictions, behaviour, likes, loves, needs
and desires, we are all how we are supposed to be as we continue along our evolutionary
path and guess what friends, we are all beautiful.
We may be battered, old,
worn out, pale or dark skinned, fat, thin, skinny legs, deaf, blonde, bald,
short, tall, hairy or hairless, and have varying personalities. We might have one leg, two heads, no arms,
blind, deaf, smart, silly, do stupid things, but, we are all beautiful. This is
how we are, and will continue to be, absolutely beautiful.
The source or creator developed
everything from nothing which formed into energy matter. Thus if something is
formed from energy matter, our world was constructed with a perfect and
immaculate design, all is beautifully.
In conclusion, there is no
such thing as ugly because all living things were designed and made to be how
they are. We came from nothing and turned
into many different something/s and this adds to the beauty of how we are as
humans while our differences help to make our lives fuller and more
Again, to quote Wayne Dyer;
‘When we change the way we look at
things, the things we look at change’.
Everything is Everywhere,
Everywhere is Beauty.