Friday, 30 May 2014



This week's Verde Word is a reflection of how in moments of intense anger, stress or discomfort, we at times become enraged and take it out on others.

Cowboy Joe is no different from the rest of us, however because he comes from a different century he carries a handgun in his holster.  If  his temper nor his actions can't be controlled, this presents a very dangerous scenario.

Look...down the street, here comes Cowboy Joe.  Man, he look angry at something, I hope like crazy he is not gunning for me.  I often think that the little paranoia bird sings in Joe's tree.

If you see Cowboy Joe stomping down the street, kicking up the dust, his right hand hovering over his gun and holster, find somewhere to hide, now!

You see, Cowboy Joe always thinks someone is either against him, makes fun of him, does not like him or is ready to offend.  He waits for it to happen because in his mind, everyone is out to 'get' him.  He knows it will happen, and it does happen, because this is what Joe expects.

One day, he was so riled up at something he thought someone had said behind his back, and even if they did not say whatever it was, he just knew they were about to.  You betcha!

So there was Joe stomping down the street, gunning for an unknown someone or something to shoot.  The steam could be seen gushing out his ears, his mouth was set so tight his teeth gnashed and it was a wonder they did not break.  He was very angry at something although he did not know what.  He was in such a bad mood and extremely angry that things in town were looking pretty nasty.

Down the street he went, horses, dogs, cats, women and children and all manner of living things not only hid, but some even headed for the hills.

With each step, Joe was getting more and more mad.  Grunting, shouting and cursing at anyone or anything in earshot.  Fury was raging in Joe's mind and heart. He knew the world hated him and no one liked him. 'You will pay!' He was yelling and screaming repeatedly.  'You will all pay for it, I know what you think of me!!!" he was shouting.  Suddenly, his anger and control was totally lost and he was shaking and out of control.  He grabbed for his always loaded gun and attempted to whip it out of his holster and shoot!  

Unfortunately, his timing was out and he pulled the trigger before the gun had left his holster.
The stupid bastard shot himself in the foot!  Hopping, jumping, falling over and rolling in the dirt in absolute agony.  Naturally, this made him even madder if that was indeed possible.

The town Chinese laundry was nearby and Wing Chang came running out and over to Cowboy Joe who was still writhing in agony.  Although Wing Chang was a peaceful man and not particularly brave, he was quick enough to grab Joe's gun and toss it as far away as he could.

'Joe, Joe. Stop.  You stop.  Is ok.  I will help.'  
Joe swore at Wing Chang but the oriental gentleman still continued to bring Joe under control.

'Why you wanna help me you chink?  You all hate me.  I know!' Joe was still spitting angry words.

Wing Chang was quiet and calm as he bent over Cowboy Joe.  With peace in his voice Wing Chang quietly said  'Joe, man with anger not good, not good.  Come,  I will help you.'

Joe was continually grumbling and cursing as Wing Chang helped Joe hobble to the laundry.  
Once inside, Wing Chang commenced helping Joe get his boot off and clean the bloody wound to his big toe.

'Bloody gun, bloody toes, bloody people, everyone is bloody against me.  If people were nice to me this would not have happened.'

Wing Chang did not reply, instead, he was making a cup of tea for them both.

'I can't drink this.  What is this bloody Asian tea stuff, it is poison!' Joe exclaimed.

Staying silent Wing Chang placed Joe's cup of tea on the table where Joe was seated and then continued cleansing Joe's wound and padding it with soft clean fabric.

Joe continued mumbling and grumbling but he was becoming less noisy and his anger was subsiding.

After a  while, Joe stopped complaining and sat sullenly in the chair.  

Wing Chang said nothing and kept drinking his tea.  He was surprised that Cowboy Joe did not storm or even hobble back into the street.

The winds of rage died down.  The storm was subsiding.

Wing Chang  gauged his time.

Cowboy Joe looked at Wing Chang with curiosity.

Wing Chang knew the moment had come.

'Wing,  are you not afraid of me?' Joe asked.

'No, I am not afraid of you.  It is you who is afraid of you.' Wing replied.

Joe said nothing.

Wing Chang continued.

'You are not angry at anyone Joe.  You are angry at yourself.  No matter how many things you shoot, or yell or are angry at, your anger towards others is not true.  You are angry at yourself and blame others for the way you feel.

Joe, I like you, everyone in town likes you but because you dislike yourself, you think we are the same and dislike you too.  This is not true.

Look at yourself differently.  You are a good man Joe. You don't drink booze, you never hurt anyone, you are not a thief, you earn a living.  But Joe, one piece of advice, you have to learn to love and like yourself like we all like you.  Joe, recognise the good things in yourself.

But, if an unhappy man has a temper, he must not carry a gun.  

Because a man who carries a gun, shoots himself in the foot'

Cowboy Joe sat quietly and drank his tea.


Wednesday, 21 May 2014



When we hear the words 'Staying Alive' what do we think of?  Do we think of the basics of survival, the trials and tribulations of life or perhaps the Bee Gees?  Or do we think of the struggles encountered by all living things in trying to stay alive and in some measure, provide pleasure to us human animals?

Recently I visited my mother. If she were alive today she would be over 100 years old.  Mum is still alive, always will be but although her human remains are scattered in a beautiful garden, and I am able to visit, she will always be alive.  Mum had always been a keen gardener, green thumbs and only pruned foliage when necessary.  As a child I loved the forest feel of our garden as even then, I enjoyed being united with nature. Mum preferred her garden to look more landscaped than the random, wild look I prefer.

As soon as I arrived I saw a particular small plant with tiny blue flowers and felt it was mum’s favourite. Shortly after, I felt mum’s presence and she began telling me about the garden and her favourite, yes, the small plant with tiny blue flowers.  She said that her reason for liking the plant with tiny blue flowers was because she admired its strength and determination to survive and rise above the undergrowth.  The plant had been struggling for ages, but managed to struggle its way to sunlight and rise above the others.

I was thinking that another plant looked a bit odd because it looked out of place but mum said that although the plant that looked out of place, a garden must have variety and consist of different things.  It is this that makes gardens so interesting.  

After visiting and seeing mum, I have been thinking about how important gardens and plants are, not only in the environmental perspective but the personal as well. 

Last night, I was reading a book on tea, tea ceremonies, tea rooms and the Tea Masters of China and Japan and a particular philosophy called Teaism.  Teasim embraces not only the philosophy of Tea but also the practise, ceremonial and the decoration of the tea room, waiting room and entrance through the gardens.

Teaism is associated with Taoism, Zen and Buddhism.  The book tells us how important, besides other things of the importance of looking after plants and flowers.  We have gardens with flowers, succulents, trees and bushes etc. growing in our gardens, local parks and forests. The plants gain sustenance from the elements of sunshine, rain, soil, winds and anything around them.  In the ground, or in pots they live for a very long time.

We use flowers and blooms to display at weddings, funerals, hospitals and for celebrations such as birthdays, Mothers and Fathers day, Valentine’s Day and Christmas or simply for a job well done.  For many reasons we use flowers to help others feel good.

All living things have feelings, although the feelings are not easily measurable by making human comparisons.  

We pick the flowers or plants. The plants are violently removed from their natural home, away from their family and friends, may be treated, abused or used as an inanimate object instead of being revered for the beautiful organistic living thing they are.

Obviously, once flowers and other plants are picked, they do not live long because the dying process commences from the time they are picked.  Having been picked and vased, they only provide pleasure for a short time.  

How do we treat flowers?

We may intend to pick and treat the flower tenderly, but in reality, we cut them off at their feet or rip them out of the ground, tearing their limbs from the body, they bleed, they suffer and the rest of the plant does its best to recover.  Sometimes we use a hot blade or flame to singe the end of the stems, tear off some leaves and the torn limb,  let them sit swimming in a vase of water and the petals being their visage or face wilts, dies and is thrown onto a stinky smelly garbage heap or if lucky, into a compost bin.  In human terms, this is torture.  Not always a pleasant way to end life.

Is this the way us as humanitarians treat other living things?  

If giving a gift of flowers, instead, is it not better to keep the plant whole so it will provide pleasure for a much longer period.  If the plant becomes tired, sick or old  we can water nurture it with water and plant food, or put it outside in the fresh air and sunshine amongst other plants so it may recover for the next time we need flowers, or foliage.

I suggest that the next time you want to give flowers, instead of giving the cut or dismembered bloom, is it not much kinder to give the whole plant in a pot or tub?  This is truly the gift that lasts a very long time indeed.  

Every time the plant is looked upon by the receiptant, the pleasure of the gift and the giver will remain much longer than they would if it were a bunch of cut flowers that live for a very short time and once dead, will be disposed of. 

Ensure you and your gift are remembered.  
Make it a living gift.


Friday, 9 May 2014



This article is simply an expression of my thoughts on the power of writing.  

I see writing to consist of three elements both of which work in tandem to produce something to read and think about.

Firstly, I see writing as being an expression of an idea generated from our personal mind.

Secondly, I see writing as being the physical action of using words expressed with grammar whilst inputting the tone or colour of the piece being written.

Thirdly, the most important thing is that in writing, the writer or author holds the focus on a particular thought or idea based on personally obtained experiences or knowledge.

If a writer produces an article or story without taking into account their personal life such as who they are, life experiences, the demographic or society in which they live as well as emotions, attitudes etc and their opinions, there would not be such a vast array of articles to read in books, newspapers or online such as web sites or blogs as there are now.

If every writer draws upon all their personal knowledge, experience and intellectual capacities then we can all learn so much more and perhaps become more informed, educated and a less violent society.

Every human has a voice and expression of ideas and many are very different in their subject matter and context.  Every individual writer expresses themselves differently.  That they do is of immense value.

Unless we openly and honestly express ourselves and  remain educated we are not be able to inform or educate despots that education is necessary for all nations to enable them to proceed to become a democratic society free of fear. 

If boys and girls do not become educated they will continue to be ruled by the power of the gun and fear.  And murder, rape, mutilation and kidnapping of children for the express purpose of vicious personal gain will continue to occur.  As long as nations allow thugs and murders to remain, the more that nation will continue to slip further into poverty whether financial, intellectual, psychologically or otherwise.


Using Words Wisely

The power a writer holds at their fingertips, in their hearts or brain is far reaching if not unlimited.

We may write for pleasure, we may write because we have to, but if we all write something that in it's own small way makes someone think, consider and perhaps Be motivated to write something as well, the message stick will be passed around and we have the power to change the past and effect change and future history.

Holding the power in your hands or fingers as they float over those small black keys gives you, the individual, the capacity to use the tools of modern communication to help wipe out fantasists who steal, murder, put into slavery, rape, use for personal pleasure, sell for prostitution, or mutilate for fun, children, girls and boys who all they want is an education and a good life and future for themselves.

We as writers have the capacity to make our feelings heard and put forward logical arguments that will encourage governments and neighbour countries to join forces to wipe out ignorant, murderous, animal, child murdering, child raping bastards in the world who purport Allah told them to inflict atrocities. What utter bovine excreta that is!

Put your fingers to work, write something with intent that informs on the power of information and education whilst showing how stupid are those that rule using violence.  This is best done and the message has more hope of succeeding if it is done without offending any race, religion or faith.

It is also wise to not mention the names of people or fanatical groups as this would add to their publicity and boost their ego.

Write your thoughts based on your educated viewpoint and spread the word.

For Humanity.
