Within our civilised and non-civilised world of our own and other nation communities there are a number of insane people, mad fanaticists, extremists, murderers and others of a similar ilk who feel their actions are both necessary and appropriate to promote a particular viewpoint or cause. Thus, because of the large number of citizens the TV news media attract, this is the bad guys tool of choice for the promotion of their cause.
Those of us, being the majority of the populous, are regular in our habits of watching the news on television. Night after day, day after night, sometimes by habit or by being hooked in or enthralled watch the same video events a number of times from a media organisation such as Reuters, AAP etc. that is broadcast on different stations. The film is the same, sometimes edited regardless of the TV station.
So, if you are like me and like to watch different news broadcasts on alternate stations to gain a more intelligent, international or local perspective, we still end up watching the same murder, torture, bashings and inhumanities many times. Sensibilities are attacked.
Due to the repeating nature of TV news, on one evening, we may watch the same piece of film on at least four TV stations. Additionally, each TV station as a promotional strategy for their news, show bits of film: before the news as an 'introduction'; 'coming up' (at least twice); the news item itself often with the film shown more than once; and again towards the end as a 'what you missed' item. In other words, the same piece of film within 60 minutes is shown at least 4 times on the one station. If we generally watch news on 4 stations, which is what I used to do, this means that in the same evening we see the same atrocity a minimum of 24 times. Bear in mind, this is only one news item. Twenty four times? Yep!
If one TV station has four similar news items (which they generally do) such as war in the Ukraine, murder in Melbourne, shootings in Sydney and perhaps a car accident where a child or someone died, on the one station it is possible within a period of 60 minutes to view inhumane blood guts and despair at least 24 times during the same hour on the same tv station.
News???? You want news? You want to know what is going in the world? You do have a right to know. Sure, we all do, it is our right to know and I will defend journalists and their work, but, I take exception to the number of times we watch such things over and over. Once or twice is enough.
Television stations say they play it extra times for people who have just got home from work? Sure, but a minimum of 24 times in a hour? Come on!
Do we want this? Do we need this? Do we really really need this?
If you watch 4 TV news shows a day, this means in one day you will view the same film footage of real life murder and human atrocities 96 times!
Ok, say we only watch TV during the week days that is, 5 days a week.
This means that over those 5 days over 52 weeks of the year, we viewing these atrocities, murders and crimes against humanity at the rate of:
480 a week = 24,960. That is in one year!!!!
In one year, without realising it, you have watched and perhaps subjected your children and loved ones to 24,960 murders. I repeat for emphasis: twenty four thousand nine hundred and sixty times!
Ok, I hear you, I hear you. You only watch the news once a day five days a week.
That still subjects the senses to only 1,040 murders and brain numbing violence a year.
You're doing good, you have cut your children down to experiencing only 1,040 of these atrocities a year.
I think it is good for children to see the news so they can be informed young people and give them an honest perspective of the world, but seeing violence of this type 1,040 times a year? Come on!
Once a day is enough. 365 times a year or, watch TV news that is not exclusively sensationalist.
Does non-sensationalist news without a hidden bias exist?
I don't know, I have exercised the Power of my Index Finger.
I place my index finger in a horizontal position and push.
I can't help but feel that if many more of us simply turned the TV off or changed the station when any form of violence was on TV, we might make greater inroads to a safer and more peaceful society.
By us as citizens turning off the repeated bloody news items that provide a forum for the promotion of bloody minded fanaticists and their atrocities, would that lessen their message getting through and therefore the media would be less of a tool for mad people's inhumanities?